I have already had my Lung Health Check
What happens after my Lung Health Check?
You should receive the results of your Lung Health Check within 4 weeks of your visit. Usually the team will write to you and your GP with the result.
What might the scan show?
Most people’s scans are normal and no further action is needed. Everyone in the Lung Health Check programme will be brought back for a second check two years after their first.
In about 1 in 4 people, the lung scan will show a lung nodule. There is more information about lung nodules here.
Occasionally you may need further tests because of changes seen on your scan. Sometimes the doctors or nurses will contact you by phone to discuss your results. In about 3 out of a 100 people the scan might show evidence of a lung cancer. If there is any concern about cancer, an appointment will be arranged at Leeds Teaching Hospitals so that you can discuss your scan with the specialist doctors and nurses.
What about my lung function tests?
During your Lung Health Check, the team will have measured your lung function by asking you to do a blowing test. This is to look for evidence of Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease – usually shortened to COPD. This used to be called Chronic Bronchitis or Emphysema. If your blowing test shows that you might have COPD that your GP did not already know about, then we will refer you to a team of specialist nurses called the Community Respiratory Team for further assessment. We will write to let you know this is happening.
What if I have any questions?
If you have any questions about your Lung Health Check please phone our team on 0113 392 6688. This includes if you have a question about your results, or if you have not heard about your results within 4 weeks of your visit.